
How Fast & Furious Mimbo works?!

1. NFT_Racing Car (Token Incineration and NFT Synthesis)

  • Racing cars are turned into NFTs and can be traded on the marketplace.

  • You can create racing cars by combining vehicles from season 1.

  • There is a cost for creating them, which requires paying with MIMBO tokens.

  • The tokens used for the cost are permanently removed from circulation.

2. NFT_Garage (NFT Racing Car Customization and Upgrades)

  • Buy a random box by paying MIMBO tokens and get random items.

  • Use MIMBO tokens to synthesize and upgrade tuning parts for better performance.

  • There are 6 types of tuning parts: engine, tire, suspension, brake, aerodynamic, and gearbox.

  • Install tuning parts on racing cars to improve their performance or trade them on the marketplace.

  • Tokens used as payment are permanently removed from circulation.

3. Grand Prix (Racing Competitions and Events)

  • The Grand Prix is a racing competition where you compete against other users.

  • A wide variety of cars, created by combining racing cars and tuning parts, participate in the Grand Prix.

  • There is an entry fee, and the prize money varies based on how well you perform.

  • The Grand Prix is organized into different leagues, and participating in higher leagues offers the chance to win bigger prizes.

  • Tokens used as participation fees will be 100% burned.

4. Market Place (Trading and Community Engagement)

  • The marketplace is where you can trade racing cars and tuning parts.

  • Transactions in the marketplace encourage participation in the Grand Prix, and participating in the Grand Prix promotes more transactions in the marketplace.

Last updated